A review by trish204
This Long Vigil by Rhett C. Bruno


This is a short story set in the Titanborn universe. It is completely separate from the story unfolding in the novels but mentions a generation Ark by Pervenio corporation.

The thought experiment of humans boarding a ship and travelling through space to a possibly unhabitable planet isn't new. But as usual, the author makes this his own. 18 pages aren't much to give the reader a sense of where they are and to bond with characters, but I find myself having had no troubles at all with either of that. On the contrary, the isolation, cold space, rigid system and preordained destiny all gave a claustrophobic and tragic feel, much like Orion must have felt it.

Thus, although not essential to the novels, do read this and enjoy the world-building and character development (and make sure to read the exceptional novels too).