A review by purlgully
Bad News: Murdoch's Australian and the Shaping of the Nation by Robert Manne


No one is going to read an article by Robert Manne especially one about The Australian and be on the fence. Manne is a polarizing figure. And cards on the table I'm a fan of his so take what I say for what its worth.
I think he makes excellent points about The Oz's growing political activism. He doesn't have a problem with it being a conservative paper per se, more with it trying (and succeeding) to shape the debate rather than report the debate. As Australia's only national daily newspaper it would be better if it remained more neutral.
Aside from my opinion think Manne does a great job of using data to back up his arguments. If you want to hear more about his process he was interviewed on Late Night Live. Of course if you think Manne I a lefty fascist ideologue you probably won't want to listen to him talk to Phillip Adams.