A review by towards_morning
Campaign by Jim Mortimore

So erm, not rating this one because... you know what, I just refuse.

Like is it good? Is it bad? Is it mediocre? Who knows! Who cares! Mostly I'm just stuck like a scratched record on the fact that it exists and the knowledge that Mortimore had the guts to even send it in to try and get the BBC to put it out in the first place? Like, woah, kudos to him to be honest.

OK, here's the thing. On the one hand, this book has an immensely fascinating idea. On the other hand, the prose is really purple sometimes. On the other hand, it's going for surreality, so maybe that's good? On the other hand, maybe it's just pretentious. On the other hand, it weaves together so many meta ideas into its themes and its vision of Doctor Who. On the other hand, does it result in anything cohesive? On the other hand, on the other hand...

I can't work out if this is a book with a fantastic idea and muddled execution, a book with a fantastic idea and an execution that reflects its idea whether it meets expectations about 'good writing', or a book with a fantastic idea and good execution.

I do know it left me reeling. Which was presumably the aim. So it achieved its aim. I dunno. Mostly I'm just glad I read it. I think.