A review by ezichinny
By the Light of the Moon by Laila Blake


This book started off kinda of sinister, but then we met a young lady named Moira Rochmond. She was a young girl that just didn’t fit in her environment. She had a free spirit and loved just being out in nature, contrary to her protective father’s preference of keeping her in doors. Moira was an heir to a huge fortune, so her father wanted to keep her safe from enemies and protect her virtue from fortune hunters.
When many guards had difficulty keeping up with Moira and her ability to slip the guards, her father hired a Blaidyn named Owain. Blaidyns were wolf shifters created by the Fae to serve as a warrior force since Fae don’t fight physically. The Blaidyns fell out of favor because they mated with humans diluting the magic in their blood, so now they were viewed as a weak version of the real thing.
Owain was able to let Moira be herself as much as he could and keep her safe, but he couldn’t protect her from the societal expectations. A lot of Lords wanted Moira for the fortune and lands she would inherit but one lord was more persistent that the rest. In addition, the Fae had an interest in Moira, so Moira became a pawn in a struggle she had no idea was going on. A final complication came as Owain fell in love with Moira. Each choice Moira would make would create a major conflict, but what would be best for Moira?
Well, this book was a mix of themes, specifically historical romance, medieval times and PNR. It was tenuous in my opinion. I liked the heroine a little because she was clueless and innocent, but I wish she had been a little more observant and involved. She was passive and reactive, but in all fairness, that was the behavior of a well groomed “lady”. I liked Moira with Owen but it felt more like teenagers than an adult passion. I also was conflicted about Maeve and her actions as well as Iris’ actions.
The writing was okay and the storyline has potential, but I would focus on creating a better emotional connection with the characters. I just wasn’t invested in Moira & Owain. I want to feel her more and also feel Maeve more. Overall, it was an satisfactory read.