A review by lefttorread
After She's Gone by Camilla Grebe


I was recently introduced to some Swedish thrillers, The Joona Linna series by Lars Kepler and I'm loving those books. Then I got accepted for an ARC copy of AFTER SHE'S GONE, another Scandinavian thriller/mystery novel and I enjoyed this one too!

AFTER SHE'S GONE is the second in a series and I read this novel before reading the first (shocking, I know!) but AFTER SHE'S GONE can be read as a standalone and more than anything, it has made me want to read the first book in the series.

Just like the Joona Linna series by Lars Kepler, AFTER SHE'S GONE is an atmospheric read, you'll want to make sure you're under a cosy blanket with a nice warm cup of coffee as this book gives off some chills.

The book is set in a small little town in Sweden were a young boy stumbles across a diary, this diary could be a link to an ongoing crime investigation, unfortunately the boy can not take the diary to the police or tell them how he came across it as he has a secret of his own.

The story has many twists and turns that leaves the reader guessing until the very end. It was a slow starter but it became very entertaining the further as it went on.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Find my full review here - https://littlereaderxoxo.wordpress.com/