A review by alexandrabree
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years by Paul Thomas, Jennifer Margulis


The title I guess is the bets place to start... “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” “Safe and Effective” ??? But this book is largely anti vaccine? Or at minimum paints vaccination as optional and unimportant, leaning into negative (can It get anymore passive aggressive?)

and this is a smack in the face of science that has proven this kind of lackadaisical attitude is extremely dangerous and in some cases lethal.

I am binging through a variety of science and pandemic books in this age of false information to better educate myself in what could have happened to induce COVID-19 and this environment we find ourselves living in.

And the only positive I can see coming out of 2020 is mandatory vaccination world wide. Inducing herd immunity that should have been present 30 years ago or more!

***update for January 2020
When I wrote up mandatory vaccine I was thinking the big five (MMR), whooping cough and polio not flu vaccinations and the Covid -19 vaccine which is equally promising and problematic. Particularly as we hear about variants, nasty side effects and proper testing that was “waved due to special circumstances” that raises a ton of red flags for people with existing conditions, pregnancy and a family history of epilepsy or seizures