A review by juliarziegler
In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien


4.5. Lost half a star only because there were a couple of moments where I was pulled out of the story because of just a bit of droning on. I have much more to say in praise, however.

Wow. I have never read a book like this. Stylistically, it was completely unique. From the footnotes, to the interview chapters, to the back and forth between reality and thought experiment….it was perfect. The skill it must have taken to weave all those pieces together into not just a thrilling mystery but a reflection on what it means to be human???

Admiration. That’s how I feel about Tim O’Brien.

I’m still puzzled by what I’ve read, in the best way. I’ll be thinking about this one for quite some time. I’m surprised by how content I feel despite the utter lack of definitive solution. And then I think, that was probably the point.