A review by neilrcoulter
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge by Patrick Gleason, Christian Alamy, Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons


I've read Secret Origin and Rebirth, so now I'm moving on to whichever Geoff Johns Green Lantern books I can get through the library (which, unfortunately, is not all of them). Recharge follows Guy and Kyle and the rebuilding of the Corps. Since it's all one storyline, it was not as difficult for me to understand as Rebirth, which I found extremely difficult. However, the single storyline also makes the book seem very lightweight. It was a quick read, and it was okay. I'm not a big fan of Guy, and Kyle is almost a nonentity in his blandness, but some of the side characters were interesting. I look forward to seeing how they are developed as the series goes on. The artwork was fine, and some of the page layouts were quite nice.