A review by ncrabb
Stay with Me by Alison Gaylin


Brenna Spector’s decades-long search for her older sister continues in this third volume. She has joint custody of a teenage daughter, Maya, and as book three opens, someone kidnaps Maya off a street when a sleepover Maya attended went horribly awry.

Brenna is initially too emotionally involved to conduct a good investigation, and for good reason. Maya’s abductors know a lot about the girl and about her schedule and life. That becomes evident as Brenna scours chat sites devoted to missing family members. At least one fellow chatter is aware of Maya, and what she knows is disturbing.

This trilogy improves with each book it seems. This final book is the best one in the set.

I was impressed with the ending, which I won’t write about here, but not because I disliked it. It’s a sweeping satisfying ending. The subplots were worth reading. Brenna’s flamboyant computer assistant makes for fascinating reading, and he turns out to be a young man of substance after all.