A review by misssusan
Corambis by Sarah Monette



mixed feelings about this one

i think it would have helped alot to have read this directly after the first three books. like i bought this 3-4 years ago when it came out and only just now got round to reading it. a friend asked me what it was about and i had to answer honestly i had no idea. they're headed to a city? because of reasons?

to be fair, he asked me when i was a hundred pages in, that got explained later

and i kind of wish monette hadn't gone there with the prostitution because i get the point she was making about felix's appetite for self-destruction but it was skin crawlingly awful to read, like i had to basically keep starting and stopping every few sentences until i finally made it through that scene

though i suppose it had it's place in resolving his character arc, i appreciated that the book ended with appropriate emotional closure for everyone

kay was alright though i would've traded him for corbie pov. i like monette's women and i think it's a shame they're rarely the focal characters

ummm what else. oh hey, the cover. let's take a minute to ponder what on earth the designer could have been thinking. guys, i have a great idea, let's use a picture of a confused looking blow up doll oiled and in chains! that's exactly what this story calls for!

3.5 stars