A review by readingwithsammi
Hell by Henri Barbusse


“There is no hell, no inferno except the frenzy of living.”

Also known as "The Inferno".
2.5 stars - I really wanted to round up to 3 stars but I just... couldn’t.

Another book I really wanted to love & maybe kind of did?

This story basically follows a voyeur or “peeping Tom” as some may say. From his room he watches his neighbors come and go in the next room. He sees them when they’re vulnerable, when they think they’re alone & can truly be themselves. He sees birth, love, betrayal & death. It’s honestly a super cool look into the human psyche & the whole book has some cool symbolism for “hell”. It’s all about life’s moments.

But with all its potential and literary charm, I just couldn’t get captivated into it & fell a bit short for me. It certainly is a great foundation (early 1900s was when it was written) for some amazing stories to build from.

Boxall’s list book.