A review by cjeanne99
A More Perfect Union by J.A. Jance


While Beaumont is on loan to a movie production company, a dead body is discovered near the docks - shutting down filming for the afternoon - and sending J.P. on a trail that leads to corruption and murder in the Ironworkers Union. Beaumont is aided by his friend and former partner, Ron Peterson, who first mentions the "coincidence" of the dead body being a former Ironworker union member who's boat mysteriously exploded a few weeks ago.
Along the way Jance throws a few red herrings to cast our suspicions as to who the murderer is - and she gives Beaumont some "human interest" moments - like taking Peterson's daughters to Bumbershoot - and gaining the trust of Jimmy, the developmentally disabled man that gets a ride to work from Beaumont in his porsche.