A review by roxanamalinachirila
Twinmaker by Sean Williams


Welcome to a world in which social media Is Very Relevant, in which teleportation has solved every issue humanity has and in which tech works so well that it takes human greed to make it become very, very wrong.

Unfortunately, the story is, as somebody else put it, action, action, action, with little care given to characters. It's basically a cross-country run with very modern tech which is "old" in the given futuristic setting (omg, they travel by nuclear submarine rather than teleporting instantly! What larks!). It's trying to be very exciting, but if you keep a plot at 100% excitement 80% of the time, you'll have a pretty bland experience, especially if you don't delve into anything deeper or slower.

I guess you could say that "Twinmaker" does have its mysteries and small reveals, but they weren't particularly surprising or insightful, so it doesn't exactly hook you and drag you into its world.

It isn't a *terrible* book, though. It's readable, in the same way in which most action movies are watchable, but it has a sense of wasted potential - some world building which could be cool, but doesn't quite manage to be, some interesting moral issues which might be insightful, except they aren't treated as such.

I think that the best thing about "Twinmaker" is its title, which is kind of fascinating, but which unfortunately leads to expectations the book doesn't fulfill.