A review by beccadavies
The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy


The unlikely heros are back and funnier then ever!

While hiding away from the world after the bards got their story wrong agian, the princes are back in thier home countries and trying to get back to real life. The only problem is they are all just itching for another adventure. But it isn't long until they partner up agian as Briar Rose (the spoiled and bratty Sleeping Beauty) has kidnapped Prince Liam and plans on marrying him agianst his will!

Ella, Frederic, Duncan and Gustav attempt to save the day but as they've been out of practice and they are missing thier 'Idea man', things go horribly wrong. Briar Rose and Liam are married and the crew put in jail. They don't stay in their long, however as Briar Rose has an idea to capture a sword stolen by the infamous (and very young) Bandit King and it involves the Princes as bait.

I really enjoyed this book. It made me laugh, it made me gasp (Brair Rose and Liam CAN'T be married!) and it made me turn the pages in a mad rush to find out what happens!

Its such a silly little book with a great adventure story and wonderfully likeable characters. The best by far is of course Prince Duncan who makes me laugh everytime he is on the page!

I would highly reccommend this to all kids, all adults, well just everyone who likes to smile!!

More please Mr. Healy!