A review by rebelbelle13
Doctor Who: Revolution Man by Paul Leonard


This is probably the most forgettable, pointless and overall below average book in the EDA range so far. The story didn't make any sense, there were no real stakes, the plot wasn't well described and the Doctor was completely out of character, especially for the last scene, which I won't give away here. Fitz was left to his own devices for two years, possibly to grow or mature before rejoining the Tardis crew. The Maguffin in the story, the Om-Tsor- the psychedelic flower-turned-powder-turned-drug is described as alien in origin by the Doctor, but is then never elaborated on further. How did this flower get here? Was it seeded by an alien race, if so, who and why? There is very little explanation given as to who this Revolution Man is, how they got started, what they want, why they want it, and what their end goal is. I spent the bulk of the story going "okay, and...?" Why is this important? You're telling me that the world is going to end, but you're not telling me why. I don't feel like any of these events are at all important, and I'm not invested in this story at all. It seems like the author doesn't care much about this story either because too many things are rushed by the end and plot threads are left dangling.
The only good parts about this book is the chapters were short, it was a fast read and I didn't actively hate it- I just didn't like much of anything about it. Here's hoping the next installment is better.