A review by kurtwombat
I Am (Not) A Number: Decoding The Prisoner by Alex Cox


THE PRISONER was ground breaking TV from the late 60's I was fortunate enough to see as a kid--probably thanks to PBS where I also found Monty Python--both equally influenced the "adult" I turned into. Mind blowing show about mind control vs the individual among other things that seemed to stand outside of everything else being produced as entertainment at the time. This solid synopsis of the show and "decoding" of what was going on held my attention because I've been a fan for nearly 5 decades--and that has only compounded with interest over time. There are other books that the author even recommends for a fuller presentation of what was going on in and around the show--but this was meant as a personal view of what the show was trying to say and the mysteries it never quite revealed. On that level it was interesting if unexceptional. But why are you reading this when you should be running out to find access to this 17 episode show that may still be ahead of it's time. Stay away from the more recent reimagining of the series produced in 2009--they appear to have watched an episode or two of the original and then read 50 pages of THE HANDMAID'S TALE and started drinking.