A review by longtimereader
Maggie Dove by Susan Breen


Many of us have had a bad neighbor. Well, Maggie Dove had one she can't stand. He hates her favorite oak tree, the man just doesn't get it!

Bender is dead, the neighbor she can't stand, and he is dead, under her favorite tree! Oh joy, or not so much joy? Maggie is a Sunday School Teacher, but it's not easy to forgive, and bless her heart, Maggie can be pretty judgmental. All that is about to change, but in what ways? It's not exactly loving your neighbor to hate the guy and then have him dead on your lawn.

Before her life changed so much, she was a mystery writer. That was before the losses in her life. When Bender's death isn't so natural after all, it's time to solve the mystery, because the body count is rising.

This was a fantastic cozy mystery! I LOVED IT! It has Christian themes and it's a good read. I want more please!

My copy came from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review and nothing more, and my thanks to Alibi for this great read.