A review by postitsandpens
America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America by Jim Wallis


While this book has a good premise, I wasn't completely sold on the execution. I feel like this is a book that people who already agree with the author will read, while those who need to read the book won't do so. I also found that there's a lot of repetition in this book, especially in the statistics scattered throughout the chapters, and towards the end I was skimming more than reading just so I could get through it. It was dry in some parts as well, which made getting through it a bit of a struggle. I do think he made some really great points, relating some of the US's history and current laws to scripture and pointing out how they go against the Bible, and how Jesus himself would be against the US's treatment of POC, but it was all just lackluster. All in all, I didn't really enjoy reading this; the repeating statistics, the dry tone and delivery, and the "preaching to the choir" subject matter personally just didn't work for me.