A review by labunnywtf
Dead Feminists: Historic Heroines in Living Color by Jessica Spring, Chandler O'Leary


Received via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

I love reading book about historical feminists. ESPECIALLY ones I've never heard of. It's easy to know a little about a lot, but with feminism, you tend to know a lot about a very few. I'm always seeking out books with stories about women in history who made a major difference, but who never really get talked about.

And that's what this book should have been. With maybe four or five exceptions, I really knew very few women featured in here. And I was absolutely 100% ready to soak up all this knowledge about them.

What I got instead was a lot of information on how to make Broadsides. While these broadsides were absolutely beautiful, and full of Deep Meaning, that's...that's not what I wanted. So, maybe the error was on my part in thinking this was a book about the feminists as opposed to a book about the authors and their artistic process.

There is definitely an audience for this book, but it's certainly not me. I felt really let down by the blips we got on women who were bad asses of history.

Points for including Elizabeth Zimmerman, though. Knitting power.