A review by michellewords
Dreams of the Dead by Christopher Golden


Dude, I have been in a really big reading slump. I picked up a lot of books because they were things I "should" be reading--book club books, self-help books, books my daughter wanted me to read.
A few weeks ago my brother-in-law said, "Sounds like you should read a book you want to."
Christopher Golden is my go-to comfort author. I love his writing style, the subtle creep factors, and the characters he creates. I've been craving that Golden for a long time. The last few Golden books I picked up were not what I needed/was looking for. I picked up this series off Amazon for like $4 or something for the e-book. It's only $4, so if it sucks it's fine.
That $4 may be the best $4 spent on books in the last five years. Dreams of the Dead is such a bright spot in my reading. (Man, that sounds messed up to say out loud. LOL).
It's a young adult book about a girl that moves to Japan with her teacher dad. The city they live in had a brutal murder recently of a teenager over a boy. The girl (Kara), starts to have these really scary dreams and kids around her begin to die at the school with some weird circumstances.
Dreams of the Dead is such a rad story with the theme of grief and loss lightly threaded through the story.
Reading this book was like coming home to the Golden of my own teens. The Golden behind the Body of Evidence series, Prowlers, and so many others I love. Blast I loved this book. It was definitely what I needed.
It's not for everyone and it isn't perfect, but sometimes the right book just hits me different.