A review by salicat
Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side by L.M. Montgomery


LM Montgomery was probably one of the most prolific writers in history, and this is a collection of her ghost stories. I recently went back and read these for the first time, with a kind of dreaded anticipation, similar to meeting your first crush twenty years later.
There are ghost stories here, but most of the topics focus on things that are more likely to be everyday news now- i.e. alcoholism, embezzlement, babies born out of wedlock, etc.- stuff that really was in 'the Shadows' a century ago. But even her darker stories are infused with a sweetness that escapes saccharine and leaves the reader with a good feeling she might not get even through reading modern stories that purport to be infused with romance. And some of the stories, e.g. "Some Fools and a Saint" have a cleverness that has yet to be matched by more modern short story writers.