A review by cec_loves_to_read_books
Dragon Skin by Karen Foxlee


Don’t you love it when your expectations of a book are not only met but exceeded (by a long way)?

Dragon Skin by Karen Foxlee is probably not worthy of one of my dodgy mini-reviews but here goes…

This novel is most definitely a book to read and read again and that’s coming from a reader who is pretty much a one time only gal.

It’s being sold as middle grade fiction but just like Lenny’s Book of Everything this book is for everyone.

Do not be fooled by the title and sweet cover into thinking this is a charming fairytale - this book is incredibly complex and layered but yes it is heartbreaking and beautiful in a truly allegorical way.

If you know a child who needs to read a story of courage and friendship and sacrifice and sadness and hope buy them this book and make sure you read it too.