A review by catrad
Dark Road by Mark Thomson, Ian Rankin


I won this on Goodreads a while ago and have only just got around to reading it. It's the first play I've read since An Inspector Calls for GCSE English a couple of, um, decades ago. Although fast paced and enjoyable, I was left a little confused in places, and certainly by the ending, which didn't seem to resolve to my satisfaction. Perhaps I've been spoilt by novels that spoon feed me all the nuances of the character's emotions and thought processes? That last 30 pages of this 213 page book were conversations with the writers, which I confess, I skim-read only. Maybe this affected my reaction to the ending too - with such a big chunk of the book left, I just wasn't expecting it to end there!
Overall, a very quick (sub 2 hour) read, and nice for a change.