A review by pegahe
Aries Rising by Bonnie Hearn Hill


I love reading about astrology (I'm born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp by the way) so I was super excited to read Aries Rising.

Aries rising is about Logan. Logan is a pretty average girl with awesome friends, but I wasn't too interested in her character. Logan has issues with her mom who's always away so when she sees the book "Fearless Astrology" she knows it will change her life. From there we see how Logan's life changes with the help of astrology.

I loved the astrology. It was written in an easy to understand way. I tried researching astrology and it is hard but Aries Rising presented the information in a fun way. That was my favourite part of the book. There are parts that you'll need research to understand but most of it is pretty straightforward.

The story itself didn't really pull me in too much. The characters felt empty. They didn't feel distinct and I hoped the plot would pick up faster. The ending was interesting but still not big enough. Logan's life was too normal for me. I want a bit more drama and I wasn't getting that in Aries Rising. If you like books about normal people with something different, this book is a great choice.

Overall a nice reading experience enhanced by astrology. I actually would read Fearless Astrology if it was a real book since it sounds like so much fun! I will be reading Taurus Eyes, the sequel. 3 stars,
