A review by author_d_r_oestreicher
Murder on Wall Street by Victoria Thompson


When your protagonist is a midwife, as in Murder on Wall Street by Victoria Thompson, everyone is pregnant. Jocelyn Robinson was raped by Hayden Norcross. When Hayden is murdered, Jocelyn’s reformed, ex-gangster, husband Jack fears he will be accused of the crime. He hires midwife-detective Sarah Malloy to find the real culprit. Hayden also raped and abused his wife, Violet Andriessen, so she is also a suspect. The investigation goes to Chinatown where Irish Cora Lee is married to a successful Chinese man and is also pregnant. This turn-of-the-19th-century mystery explores prejudice, women’s rights, and opium use.

By the end, Hayden is found to be so evil, you feel sorry for the murderer.

For my expanded notes: https://1book42day.blogspot.com/2022/01/murder-on-wall-street-by-victoria.html