A review by krisrid
Bring on the Night by Jeri Smith-Ready


This has been one of my favorite series' and I liked this book, although it had some things that seriously bugged me, so this was not my fave of the series so far. Still, most of the book was great, so I gave this the fourth star.

So, one of the best things about this series for me is Ciara. She is conflicted and not perfect, and that makes me love her because she feels real. She also doesn't suffer fools, and she doesn't do guilt, which I also love about her. So when
she gets turned into a vampire in this book, and then proceeds to have all kinds of guilt, and weepy, whiny dramatic angst for numerous chapters
I was seriously annoyed. It just didn't in any way fit with my vision of who Ciara is from the earlier books, so it bugged me - a LOT! But fortunately, after that gets sorted, the book goes back to the stuff I love. You know: murder, mayhem, zombies, bad magic . . . the usual! ;-)

I love the world this author has created, and I love all the supporting characters in it. I love the way she works dark humor into the book. There were several times when dramatic things are happening, and someone - usually, but not always Ciara - says something that made me laugh out loud even though laughing was totally NOT appropriate at that particular moment.

Aside from the bit of drama I didn't like, this book had all the things I love about this series, and I look forward to reading the next book!