A review by quaelegit
Orbital Cloud by Taiyo Fujii


If you liked The Martian by Andy Weir, you'll probably like this book! It's a bit more of a thriller with international intrigue and spies, but the focus is on technology and the brilliant people who work together to solve life-and-death issues in space.

Edit: I rated this 5 stars because for me personally it hit a lot of specific things I liked (space science; engaging technical explanation; competent people working together), but it has its flaws. This book is light on character development (like The Martian), and the only character who has any sort of development is one of villains, oddly enough. I found the technical explanations interesting and mostly easy to follow, but there were some mistakes (that I caught as a non-expert -- if you're actually working in space stuff you might notice more). Overall the things I liked far outweighed these issues for me, but YMMV.