A review by booklovingmom_
Memory Lane by Ellen Goodlett, Sara Shepard


I received a copy of Memory Lane through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Memory Lane is about a mother and daughter who have a strained relationship. In hopes of connecting better, Cassie, the mom, signs her daughter and herself up for a scientific trial that has to do with sharing memories. Alex, the daughter, agrees in hopes that she can find out about her father and all of the things that her mom has refused to tell her.

Let me start by saying that I am not a huge sci-fi fan at all, but I saw Sara Shepard’s name and knew I needed to give this book a try. It was an interesting story that was fast paced and made me want to keep turning the page, but I didn’t get into it all that much. I wasn’t a huge fan of the characters and felt like there were a lot of questions I didn’t get answered. It was a good story, but like I said before, I am not a huge sci-fi fan, which made it hard to get into this story for me. I think if you like sci-fi a lot, this would be a good book to read.