A review by katyanaish
Alien Proliferation by Gini Koch


I feel like I like this series more than I should. But really, I love the world, the plots, the break-neck pacing, the banter, and most of the characters. I really really do. I don't even mind the suspension of disbelief required for some of the way the intricate plot threads fold together in each book.

But there is one quibble that keeps getting on my nerves: I don't like Jeff. I actually have liked him less and less as the series goes on. I'm not saying that he doesn't have good moments, because he does. But I'm so over his jealousy, possessiveness, and - most of all - his paternalistic and misogynistic insistence that Kitty be kept on the sidelines.

Here's the deal: they met because she's a protector. In a crazy situation with a murdering monster, she ran in to help while armed with a PEN. He's trying to make her into something less than she is, something smaller. It's not okay.

Furthermore, she has proven herself over and over and over, often being the ONLY reason they don't end up dead. We're 4 books into this series (and I'm halfway through book 5, so I can say this problem is not just present but WORSE in book 5), and she has more than demonstrated that she's a capable, reliable member of the team. He needs to either treat her like a partner, like she deserves, or get the fuck out of her life.

One other quibble - a new one from this book -
Spoilerthe growing superpowers are a little deus ex machina. I mean, look. They were all powerful already, and Kitty's superpower was her brain... something which vastly outstripped everyone else when it comes to unraveling the bad guys plans. Between Jeff and Christopher getting stronger, the freaking BABY having uber powers that seem unlimited, and now Kitty, at the end, busting out crazy uber powers out of nowhere... it's a little much. And it's a flag for me, because while I'm fine with my UF heroines having a dash of Mary Sue, this feels like we've hurtled over the line with super speed. I mean, in this book, she demonstrates a whole lot of powers that are even outside the scope of what we've seen with A-Cs: she uses telekinesis to remove chains that even other A-Cs can't remove with their super strength, and she TELEPORTS herself and Richard?

So yeah, I'm concerned. But for now:
