A review by littletaiko
Fundraising the Dead by Sheila Connolly


Love it when I find the perfect book for me at a point in time. I picked this up last year on a book buying binge since it was on my wishlist for some reason. Finally picked it up since I was in the mood for a cozy mystery and needed something with a brown cover for a color challenge that I'm participating in.

From the very beginning I was hooked on this mystery set in a Philadelphia museum. Nell is in charge of development which basically means she is a fundraiser. Now that I work for a non-profit I understand how important that role is. In fact part of why I loved this book so much is the behind the scenes working of the non-profit world rang so true. It made it quite fun to immerse myself in her world. The mystery revolves around collection pieces that might have gone missing and comes to a head when a museum employee is found dead the day after the big gala.

This wasn't a conventional mystery in that the perpetrator is know about halfway through and the story becomes more of a how to prove it case.