A review by seyfert
The Sin in the Steel by Ryan Van Loan


I tried, but this just isn't doing it for me. It hits some "men writing women" problems very early on, and then just never improves. It's not just some of the descriptions and an inability to realize breasts are not important, but also the protagonist suffering a severe case of the internalize misogyny of "not like other girls" which doesn't help it at all. Compound that with trying to write a smart character, which is always difficult and didn't quite succeed here (coincidences don't make someone smart), and it's just not going to be my thing. I'm not wasting time reading a book with flaws like this.

One description tried to compare this to Scott Lynch (a favorite). It's not even close to his writing. The ideas are there, but the characters need some major changes. Or maybe just stick with male protagonist here if you don't know how to write women, yeah?