A review by bfdbookblog
Second Song by Edie Danford


Going in, I expected this to be fairly angsty. Thankfully, while emotional, there was very little angst as both men are recovering from personal grave loss and in Sage’s case, physical damage as well. I did find myself tearing up a couple of times but overall the story is sweet. The writing is very poetic; the author waxing lyrically about life’s similarities to song.

Sage and Antonio are both entering the ‘second phase’ of their lives, trying to make life altering decisions about their futures, when they meet. They have instant attraction and a common emotional bond which helps them grow close quickly. Once they open the sexual door, they have sex often (some of those scenes I skimmed past). There aren’t too many surprises between these two but theirs is a sweet love story worth reading. My biggest complaint is the story is a bit long and drags at times; I skimmed several times.

I’m not sure if I’ll read Shiloh’s story…I’m interested but will have to be in the right mood for that emotional mess.