A review by lqveletters
Final Offer by Lauren Asher


loving the first two books as much as i did and waiting for my favourite kane brother of all time, and getting this book was, to say the least, unflattering.

well, cal was a sweetheart throughout the whole book while actually trying to get better, for himself and the people around him but the woman he love loved? so fucking annoying ohmygod. alana was such a bad bitch the first 70 pages and then the character development said 'not today, bitch' and it all went downhill. like, we get he left you but that does NOT mean you will use his addiction against him. she expects him to stop completely drinking and suddenly cure himself of his 6+ years of addiction in a week??? like, ok. i could be a better girlfriend than her, cal and i have fucking anger issues.

this book was 500+ pages long. it could easily be a 350 page book but it was extended for so fucking long, i think i aged a gazillion years.

there's more, ok. so, cal decides to go to rehab. yay, happy for him! i'd love to see him come to terms with his addiction losing control over him. BUT. what do we get? absolutely nothing. that's right. nothing. he checks himself into the rehab, and we get a fucking fast forward and its not even to him talking about his struggles in the time period he was there, but we get a 'hi, im cal and ive earned a sobriety chip because i stayed sober' happy for u cal baby, but this was not it. ALCOHOL ADDICTION IS A REAL THING PEOPLE STRUGGLE WITH AND THE REHAB IS ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT YET IMPORTANT LEVELS OF A SURVIVOR. THE AUTHOR NEEDS TO STEP UP HER RESEARCH GAME BECAUSE IT WAS ALL POORLY. WRITTEN.

anyways, the town was a bitch. cami was my favourite character of all time. the cameos from all the other characters of the first two books were amazing. this book sucked ass. goodbye.