A review by edriessen
The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer by Neal Stephenson


The first part of this story I’m thinking ‘how does this world work?!’, and soon enough, the story gets going.

I especially liked this book because both for me, the reader, and for one of the main characters, a book is used to tell a story. And for both, the story in the book gets clearer towards the end. These sections are like a cyberpunk version of ‘Sophie’s World’ in a sense.

Besides that, I love Stephenson’s world building. He touches on topics like nanotechnology, our current screen culture, deep fakes, and personalisation, all in a casual way. Not explaining it in too much detail, he leaves room for the reader to interpret it in their own ways. And I like that.

And again, he has created some great characters. Both mains and sides. One of my favorites was Judge Fang.