A review by sammeehicks
The Splendor Falls by Rosemary Clement-Moore


I found myself immersed in this story from the first page. I really enjoyed the character Sylvie and found myself connecting to her straight away. I really liked her voice - she came across as strong yet vulnerable and I loved the fact she questioned everything that happening, including her sanity! I also found myself really drawn to Rhys - I even missed him when he wasn't in the story And I completely adored her dog Gigi!

The story itself is an intriguing one. There was a lot of detail included - at times it felt every conversation and action was documented - but I really liked this. It felt as if I were putting all the pieces of the puzzle together to solve what was going on at the same time as the characters. I did find myself getting impatient toward the end - I really needed to know what was happening. The ending was really good - very exciting and I wasn't sure what direction the story would take. I really liked that I found it completely unpredictable and I loved the way all the information collected throughout the story made perfect sense by the end.

I appreciate though, that at over 500 pages, this is a long book. And although I found it a refreshing change to some of the really quick and fast paced books I've read recently, it is slow paced. If you are after a rollercoaster ride of action this probably isn't going to be the book for you. But, if you fancy a really well written mystery with a supernatural edge this is a great story. I really enjoyed it and look forward to reading more books by the author.