A review by cyireadbooks
Cozy Case Files, Volume 18 by Donna Andrews


Cozy Case Files Volume 18 has again compiled an excellent collection of eleven excerpts from different authors. Some authors were familiar to me and a few were new. New to me authors were Vivien Chien, Mindy Quigley, Korina Moss, and Donna Andrews. I thoroughly enjoyed their style of writing and will probably seek out the full versions of their novels to finish reading them.

Authors familiar to me included: Olivia Matthews, Meri Allen, Olivia Blacke, and Katharine Schellman. And I was fortunate enough to gain access to the full version of their latest novels. I have yet to read Fatal Fudge Swirl, and A Fatal Groove. But based on what I’ve read in the excerpts, I’m sure I won’t be disappointed.

Because the excerpts are substantial enough to get a flavor of the full novel, Cozy Case Files samplers are the absolute best way to experience different and familiar authors and their latest cozy mysteries. Five Stars.

I received a digital ARC from St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.