A review by mohan_vee
Aquaman Vol. 3: Manta vs. Machine by Kelly Sue DeConnick


This volume in the new Aquaman series is solid but choppy. The book is divided int three chunks that loosely relate to each other. The first part depicts a invasion of Amnesty Bay by the Black Manta and his new killer robot which is controlled by an AI based on the mind of his dead father. Followed by that are two stories about Arthur and Mera's rocky and chaotic path to parenthood. Finally there is a story that features the sea gods introduced in the first volume and Salty the dog.

All of these stories are fairly well done, although the first story arc is a bit to hokey for me to be entirely comfortable with it. However they do not really flow together and this volume feels more like a compilation of short stories than an actual novel.

The character development in this volume is uneven. Arthur, the sea gods and most of the inhabitants of Amnesty Bay are fairly two dimensional. Mera, however, really comes across as a fully developed character who is both driven and compassionate. Salty the dog is also developed as a more nuanced character, which is fun and refreshing.