A review by neilrcoulter
The Star Wars Book: Expand Your Knowledge of a Galaxy Far, Far Away by Pablo Hidalgo, Cole Horton, Dan Zehr


The Star Wars Book: They don’t even bother naming new Star Wars books anymore. If they’d named it The Millionth Star Wars Book, then my wife would be even more correct when she sighs and says to me, “I don’t know why you’re reading the millionth Star Wars book.”

Anyway, of all “The Star Wars Books” published by DK, this one is...the newest. (For now.) The only thing that renders it already out of date is some events and revelations in season two of The Mandalorian, which aren’t mentioned in the book. Unlike the visual dictionaries, this volume is more text-focused. Illustrations are small, and most of them don’t include captions pointing to things like “Beard, streaked with grey” or “Tall boots.” The book is divided into somewhat thematic sections, which means that by the time you’ve read it cover-to-cover, you will have read through the chronology of Star Wars several times, from various perspectives (and drawing from the current canon of movies, TV series, video games, and graphic novels). For someone who doesn’t know much about Star Wars and wants to quickly acquire pretty comprehensive knowledge, this is a good source.

The page (64) about Mace Windu unambiguously declares him “deceased,” so that settles all the speculation about whether he survived his defenestration and is still around somewhere in the galaxy, awaiting his own Disney+ series.