A review by doyoudogear
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2019-) #1 by Tom Taylor, Andrew Robinson, Marcelo Ferreira, Juann Cabal


I'm always iffy when it comes to starting a new Spider-Man comic, because there have been so many! Peter Parker is a name that most people recognize, and there are certain expectations when it comes to his character. Spider-Man has been portrayed in numerous ways over the years, and I'm often pleasantly surprised with how they keep his comic relevant to what's happening in the world today. He's a down-to-earth superhero that people can relate to, and he deals with problems in his personal life as well. The world might appreciate what he does with a mask on (for the most part), but he's often underappreciated as a person. No one realizes what he has to sacrifice in order to be the Spider-Man we know and love.

So what made me want to read this comic? Tom Taylor. I loved his All-New Wolverine series and the new character he created -- Gabby! She's also known as Honey Badger, which is absolutely perfect for her. Oh, and Jonathan! He's the best. I enjoyed Taylor's writing and the way he told a story, so I was excited to see his spin on Spider-Man.

I can happily say that I'm already invested in this series and what's happening in Peter's life. I think it's hilarious that he's currently having issues with his neighbors, since he's the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Well played, Tom Taylor, well played. Also, the appearance of Johnny Storm was surprising, but totally worked for this story. He's just as ridiculous as Spider-Man, and I can see how the two became friends. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

This review can also be found at Do You Dog-ear? on February 8, 2019.