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A review by khepiari
Sauptik: Blood and Flowers by Amruta Patil


'Had he not walked off with my father's heart so easily, had we been one generation apart or in different gurukuls, I could have admired Arjun openly, loved him even. I would have been spared the burn of being the rival he barely noticed. Unrequited resentment is far worse than unreturned love.'
The book beings with warning, it asks not to force one's own perception and then look for objectivity. Narration picks up from the same place or maybe not, where we ended Adi Parva. Beautiful Ganga, the abstract studradhar is gone and has given the tale to leper Ashwatthama, who is mistaken for a madman.

Constant image of the upturned tree of knowledge recurs in the art as we whoosh past the story of Shiv and Parvati. The banishment of five Indras who were filled with hubris. Krshn's lifetime with its brutal lack of attachment. The seeds of Mahabharata was planted in Adi Parva, the story was replayed here. With Ashwatthama the narrator claiming he is one of the seven Chiranjeevis, but he didn't ask for immortality, he was punished, hence the Sauptik who has been narrating same story for thousands of years.

He explains his, Karna's and others follies, he assess where and what made them all fail and the Pandavs victorious.

The art needs no words, its a self sufficient universe in itself, where again the black and white pages win! But an enraged Draupadi drawn like Kali was where myth and common perception mingled best! The setting of story in 'Shamshan' makes it more rustic and scary. Meanwhile the knowledge tree rots thoroughly and withers as gods and human grow corrupt!