A review by redentrapy
Katana by Cole Gibsen


So I loved this book. The plot line was fun and original. The bad guy was not who I thought it was. Rileigh's character was awesome. She was strong and independent and she could totally kick ass. She is a skaker/fighter with a penchant for sarcasm and a life that has been turned upside down by an awakening of the awareness of her past life Senshi, a samurai warrior who died in 1463. The book has little chapters where it goes back to Japan in 1463 so that you get both soul's point of views.

Kim is the handsome martial arts instructor who finds out that she has awakened and tries to help her through the transition. Rileigh though is suspicious, skeptical, and doesn't know who to trust after being attacked repeatedly. So she stays weary of him. Later she finds out that they were lovers in the past and she starts falling for him again. Only problem is she is dating the handsome transfer student, Whitley, right now and can't decide who she wants. Kim is serious and gorgeous. He does everything he can to protect her.

The other characters that are in this book are cute and fun. I love Quentin Rileigh's totally gay best friend, Michelle another transcended samurai and motor mouth, Drew Kim's brother in the past life, and Braden, Michelle's boyfriend and twin in the past. The ad guy was well thought out and it wasn't who I thought it was, he was still a little shallow compared to the other characters.

Overall great book. I just thought that Rileigh was in denial about the whole thing too long and didn't embrace her gift. That was the only thing that really bugged me about it.