A review by thepaperreels
I Heart Robot by Suzanne van Rooyen


"This is your chance to show the humans that we aren’t just machines, that they gave us minds. We think, we feel, we dream, we create."

I Heart Robot is a surprising and enjoyable read. This is my first from Suzanne Van Rooyen and I'm glad I gave this a try. Look at the cover!! It really calls out to me. Though the whole premise is not my usual read, this book made me FEEL. Feels all over! I love that it makes you think. I love that its diverse. I love that I was left wanting for more.

Tyri and Quinn has a connection through music. Tyri is a girl who wants to be a musician. Quinn is a robot who just want to be treated as a human who can feel and make music. This together isn't a fairytale in the making. There was a lot of up and downs. There was a lot of swoony moments bud sadly, it has heartbreaking scenes as well. I love that Quinn as a robot is believable and that he's so ADORABLE. He's my favorite in here. Tyri can be a bit complicated. She's such a teenager sometimes that it kind of annoys me even though I'm a teenager myself. The second characters are incredible!! Its amazing how the author made me adore them so much even though the story is not mainly about them.

Tyri and Quinn's world is interesting. And kind of scary because it's so close to reality! The politics, their culture... I hope it gets to be fleshed out more. I know that a second book is not confirmed yet but I am pushing it!!! Because I need a sequel so bad it hurts. And I know I'm not the only one who wants it. *evil laugh* Sorry for being evil, but I'm desperate!!

The ending kinda crushed so thank you very much. I'm torn between loving it because the way it ended is so perfect and hating it because, well, IT CRUSHED ME OKAY? There are ending that you WANT to happen and and their are endings that NEEDS to happen. I think the author did the latter and with all seriousness, I'm glad she did. With how the story flowed, it really was the right ending.

I want more from Quinn and Tyri because I'm so not ready to let it go. I do recommend this book this to EVERYONE. It has a message, it will make you think and it'll make your heart race. A very readable and enjoyable novel that every age group will enjoy!