A review by kcrawfish
The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson


3.5 stars, was so close to being 4 or 4.5

I really enjoy Stevenson’s style of writing. The atmosphere, the intrigue, the characters all have me hooked. He does an excellent job of inviting you in to a creepy sitting room with strange people and throwing you into the middle of a conversation you really didn’t want to hear (in a good way).

My singular issue with this one, which would have been closer to a 4 or 4.5 otherwise, was related to the ending, so stop here to avoid vague spoilers.

The ending I was initially very on-board for, we built to a crescendo of creepy and ghostly, strange things were happening, and then the reveal was anticlimactic for me. Pair that with Stevenson’s refusal to return to the present, and my suspense-ballon was popped. It would be effective to leave us in the past with a creepy enough ending, but the reveal didn’t pack enough of a punch in my opinion.