A review by melindavan
The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand


First, this is a middle grade book. It’s meant for 10 years old and up. I have to say, if I had read this when I was 10 I would have fallen in love, read it 50 times, and slept with it by my pillow. As an adult, I didn’t sleep with it. But…

This is a fascinating, twisted, bizarre, spooky, awesome story! I know, I shouldn’t have been reading it because I’m all grown up but sometimes it’s nice to read something that relaxes your brain and still provides an escape with interesting things to think about and a mystery to solve. I’m still shaking my head over the pure imagination wrapped up in this book. And the illustrations! Truly awesome, even on the Kindle. Just look at the cover. There’s more of them inside, and each one is a treat.

There’s creepy crawly things, a frightening caretaker, spooky evil headmistress, and an entire town under some sort of spell. And only one girl can fix the situation. Victoria. Do you doubt she’ll be successful with a name like that? Victoria, for Victory.

If you’re a parent, this one is great for your kids. It provides some talking points about being yourself, standing out in a crowd, letting people be who they are, going against the status quo, while at the same time touting the virtues of being a good girl (or boy). All while being entertaining as heck, especially for those who love the spooky or weird happenings stories. Halloween is right around the corner, y’all. This will definitely set the mood.

If you’re an adult looking for a fast, fun read, check this out. It’ll take you back to childhood. Like James and the Giant Peach, or Willy Wonka, it’ll have you remembering those nights you spent under the covers with a flashlight, reading into the early hours of the morning. You did that, right? I’m not the only one….I can’t be!

Go ahead, be a kid!