A review by westongrey
Dreamsongs, Volume I by George R.R. Martin


If you’re a GRRM fan, this is honestly a must read. Admittedly I enjoyed the intro pages for each chapter where George would talk about his writing life and influences throughout his early writing career.
Some of the short stories are incredible but they all at least have some very very unique settings and characters.
In order of appearance, And death his legacy, A song for Lya (my favorite), Bitterblooms, The ice dragon, sandkings and the Monkey treatment were all standouts for me.

You can also see a ton of early ideas in GRRMS writing that later appears in a song of ice and fire.
Lyanna and Robert, names in a story
He mentioned the long winter and never ending winter
A land where winter is long than a regular winter season
And I’m sure there are tons more but those are the ones that jumped out at me when writing this.
I highly recommend for ASOIAF fans.