A review by hobbes199
Disney Graphic Novels #4: Great Parodies: Mickey's Inferno by Guido Martina, Angelo Bioletto, The Walt Disney Company


What could be a great concept is hampered by truly appalling rhyming schemes that are all over the place, and ultimately distract the reader away from the comic as a whole.

The art style is loyal to the 40s/50s Disney comics, with bright colouring and a heavy dependence on the red palette to give the comic a dark look without relying too much on greys and blacks. Lettering is strong, and placement adds to it's retro feel.

Obviously, given the content, this isn't a child's comic -merely a new way of telling an old tale.

Such a shame that the re-written version of Dante's most famous section of the Divine Comedy 'trilogy' is such a mess -especially when you consider the translations and versions that have gone before.