A review by ljwrites85
Station Fosaan by Dee Garretson


Earther Quinn Neen finds a young Fosaan girl by the name of Mira in his family’s living unit, trying to steal food. He’s been told not to mix with the Fosaan’s but Quinn is curious about the world he’s living on and tries to befriend the girl.

Before he gets a chance to explore the world, all the scientists that are based on the planet are kidnapped leaving only their children.

Quinn and his friends, with the help of Mira must fight to stop disaster and find Quinn’s parents. But the Fosaan’s have a lot of secrets...

It’s been a while since I’ve read a sci-fi novel with a sort of adventure/quest storyline so when I read the synopsis for Station Fosaan, I was intrigued.

There were some really good characters. Quinn just seems like a nice person, curious, a little naive but loyal to the core. Mira is a strong and brave, someone you’d want on your side, it’s clear she doesn’t like what is going on with the Fosaan people and wants to help change things for the better.

A little shout out goes to Mags, Quinn’s parrot, who knows a few phrases but provided a little light relief through the story.

The ending rounds it off nicely, so you don’t have to worry about cliffhangers, but also leaves a few questions which will probably get answered as the series goes along.

The world building was quite good, but I felt like I got a little bombarded with it in the first few chapters and didn’t take it all in.

Station Fosaan is a fast paced, imaginative and engaging read and a great start to the series.