A review by paddlefoot55
One Perfect Kiss by Jaci Burton


ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

It has been a while since I have read a Jaci Burton story, and I have not read any of the previous Hope book, however this did not affect my enjoyment of One Perfect Kiss.

Zack and Josie's story is sweet and cute and adorable and just the light read that I needed this past weekend after reading a few emotionally draining stories in a row.

I loved the support characters (even though I hadn't read any of their stories), they are all well rounded and added a lot of depth to the story.

I did get a bit frustrated with Josie's flip-flopping between wanting Zach and then whining about how her ex hurt her and how Zack would too. I wanted to talk some sense into her!

I am a big fan of stories with characters that are animal lovers - makes me miss my old girl but makes me smile!

I really enjoyed my tour of Hope, Oklahoma, and I have already added some of the previous books to my kindle.

Can't wait to see what Ms Burton brings us next.

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