A review by gaderianne
An Inconvenient Wife by Megan Chance


I picked this book up on a whim from the library and I'm glad that I did! In a time when women are meant to act and be a certain way, this book illustrates what a prison and what a struggle it could be. When women didn't have an outlet to be themselves, what could they do? In this case the main character turns to laudanum to treat her anxiety and depression (called hysteria by dr after dr) and told,to have children to make everything ok. It's only after she goes to see a new doctor with new theories and ideas that she begins to find herself.

I found myself on the edge of my sat reading this because every man in the story tries to impose his will on her. Her dad. Her husband. Her doctor. I hoped against hope that she would learn to stand up for herself, especially after all she goes through. I was very happy with how the ending turned out!