A review by greeniezona
Blue Hand Mojo: Hard Times Road by John Jennings

dark mysterious


I received this book for free as a part of a test pilot for a Rosarium Mystery Box -- and it ended up being an A+ example of why the concept should work. I absolutely never would have picked this book up for myself. Partly because I am having a bit of a graphic novel dry spell -- where I pick up titles that look interesting but just can't commit to buying any. Also because its mob/PI/conjure-man story isn't a part of my usual genres.

But I really enjoyed this. Partly because it felt so surprising and fun to mash those story elements together. Plus Frank is a man with enough troubles (and demons, including the literal Devil) of his own that he probably should just find a hole somewhere and keep his head down, but instead his is compelled to endanger himself to help the helpless, over and over.

Dark and compelling. With art that is such a good fit for the mood of the story.